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Friday, February 18, 2011

Developers Bring Exciting Features to Blue Mars!

Just take a look at what our developers are doing to create fun in Blue Mars. Don't blink, though! As hard as they are working, the landscape will change quicker than you can turn your head around. The shot above is one of two developer fields found in Beach City. This multitude of blocks is meant to be a collaborative effort of developers to create something exciting and immediate for our new members. Over 19 blocks have been claimed, and while only a few have new content live at this time, more will be visible soon. Estelle Parnall has her shop up and going, and Soeda-San has created an interactive game, Reversi. Two players take turns to dominate the board with chips of their own color. It's quite engaging! AshasekayiRa wants to set up a flash game room. Mako Magellan will share his line of fine clothing, furniture, and accessories. Hypatiaa hints that she has very ambitious plans with a Victorian/Edwardian theme. Jamt plans to point people to fun events and activities in Misty Hollow. Ynaga and VR-Hacks have claimed blocks as well. So far they have not revealed their plans, but we have seen the wizardry of these two with scripts including quests, vehicles, hunts, and time trials. It's a safe bet that their blocks will be awesome! DanielleEber has a block which she will combine with another fun project in Sandbox City. Dani and Rachael (Traveller) are planning a massive role playing area called Cold Harbor. The terrain is only roughed out so far, with default buildings in place, but imagine this turned into a Stephen King-like area where all sorts of intriguing stories can take place with Blue Martians as the role-players.

We can't leave out Arzach either! This week he's added a platoon of robots to his menagerie of fantasy creatures. We'll make robots the focus of the new member party next Friday, and we're trying hard to think of a game to play with the robots as well.

Arzach and others, including DavyRocket, JadeZuma, and Anon often create prizes for us to use at our parties and events. That truly adds to the fun of the events and makes the new members feel especially welcomed.

Another contribution that developers are making to Blue Mars is to create some default clothing and make up choices for our new Blue Mars Mobile members.

This is open to all Blue Mars developers, and we're looking for submissions until the end of February. There's still about ten days left, so if you are interested, please join us! For full details, please visit this developer forum thread.

There are also a few unclaimed Blocks left in Beach City. If you have a project that you are interested in working on, please read this developer forum thread, and send a Private Message to Rosh for further deails.

This project is bringing us lots of new members, and all the fun things created for us helps to keep them. Thanks again to our Blue Mars Developers.

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