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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blue World Notes: Rainfall and Lush Mountain Trails in Blue Mars' Digital DNA

From the beautiful urban squalor of Port Town, the next stop in my first Blue Mars tour is totally different, and right about now, incredibly welcome: Digital DNA, a lush, mountainous region currently under heavy rainfall. I'm exploring it from San Francisco, which is sweltering under a heatwave, so it's a virtual relief to jog through wet trails surrounded by dewy grass, while a thunderstorm constantly rumbles somewhere in the distance.

It's not just waterfalls and mountain pools with vista views, however. After slipping over a ledge, I tumbled into the lake below, and inched along the cliff wall, until I wound up plunging through an underwater tunnel that led to a meadow and grassy hills above a moonlit beach. I have a feeling I've only explored just a portion, too.

Where next in Blue Mars? That's largely up to you. Suggest in Comments, or email me, hamlet at bluemarsonline dot com. And much thanks to Dylan Rickenbacker, for tipping me to Digital DNA.

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